All Septic & Sewer WOSSA

What Happens During The Septic Pumping Process?

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Did you know that more than 21 million homes in the United States use septic systems instead of public sewers? For each of those households, ensuring they undertake a routine septic pumping schedule is essential.

At All Septic & Sewer, our technicians are pleased to offer local Seattle-area homeowners the necessary septic maintenance services they need to keep their system running efficiently.

Before you jump into making an appointment, however, it’s helpful to understand what to expect from the process.

How Often Should You Pump Your Septic System?

While the septic pumping process might seem like a headache, it’s simpler than you might expect. What’s even better is that it typically only needs to be done once every 3-5 years. In some emergency situations, i.e., during sewage backups or drain field pooling, you may need to pump your system more frequently.

If you don’t clean out your septic system when it needs it, the liquid and solid particles from inside your septic tank can bleed into the drain field, causing a wide variety of severe problems.

What Steps Does The Septic Pumping Process Entail?

When it’s time to have your routine septic maintenance performed, the process generally includes the following five steps.

Step 1: Septic Tank Access Lids Uncovered And Opened

Before any work can begin, the technicians at All Septic & Sewer will need to uncover your tank access lid. If your system was installed after the 1980s, it would have two separate compartments, of which both lids will need to be exposed.

From this point, the work crew will open the lids to your tank. This might seem like a simple task, but corrosion and general wear-and-tear can make it difficult. In some cases, your lid will need to be replaced.

Step 2: Your Tank Will Be Pumped Out

Using a high-power hose that’s connected to our vacuum truck, all the liquids and solids will be sucked out of your sewage tank. While the hose is usually powerful enough to remove all debris and waste, there are certain times when thick sludge and solids will be left behind.

Step 3: The Tank Will Be Washed Out

To help remove any residual waste, your technician will use water to clean out the interior of your tank to remove most of the remaining solids.

Step 4: Visual Inspections Will Take Place

After the septic pumping and cleaning steps have been completed, our crew will check the tank’s interior and exterior for any root presence or deterioration. They will also look over the septic tank baffles and dividing wall.

Step 5: The Tanks Lid Will Be Closed and Reburied

Once the inspection has been completed, your lid will be closed and covered back up. In most circumstances, septic tanks are buried between six and twelve inches below ground. If not, your technician might decide to install risers, which allow for better access during any future upkeep.

Learn More About The Septic Pumping Process Today

Cleaning out your septic tank might not be at the top of your priority list, but it should be. If you’d like more information about how the septic pumping process works, All Septic & Sewer is here to help!

Give our technicians a call today at (888) 541-6680 to find out more about what’s involved with our septic tank maintenance services. Or, simply fill out our online form to receive a free quote.

You can also follow us on Facebook to hear about all our great services and limited-time offers.

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