All Septic & Sewer WOSSA

Septic System Installs

Septic System Installs

Skilled Septic System Installs In Pierce And Thurston Counties

All Septic & Sewer is a licensed and bonded company that is more than capable of handling your septic system installs. Owners Jeremy and Robert have over 20 years of experience between the two of them in the septic and sewer industry. You can count on them and their team of professionals to give you the kind of service you can count on.

When it comes to a new septic system install, All Septic & Sewer will take all the necessary precautions and measures to make sure the job is done, perfectly. We will check out your local regulations to review installation policies for your area. If any permits are needed, we’ll discover them.

Our company is all about safety so rest assured we will make the proper calls to learn about the presence of utility lines on your property before we dig. We will also study your terrain so that we place your septic system in the best possible area. In addition, All Septic & Sewer will take a look at your soil quality to check for absorbency.

When you hire All Septic & Sewer, you are calling upon the cavalry of septic system installers. There is only one way to do a job and that is to do it well.

We’ll Put You In Touch With A Septic Designer

If you don’t have a septic system design, no worries! All Septic & Sewer will put you in touch with a reputable designer you can trust. Jeremy and Robert also know a thing or two about septic system design and can be a sounding board during the process.

Putting together a basic septic system design involves choosing the tank size, absorption system size, and basic design notes. Tank location, tank retention time, and drain field size and specifications are also part of the design procedure.

We are confident that our personal design specialist will come up with a phenomenal design for your septic system install. As always, you can count on us.

Summary – Our company will help assist with the design of your septic system and can connect you with a reputable designer.

Health Department Design Approval

Pierce and Thurston counties require all septic system designs to be approved by the health department. All Septic & Sewer will help you get the ball rolling. The first stage of the application process includes “Conditional Site Approval”. The septic system designer must submit the following:

  • Master Application and Supplemental Application
  • Site Plan
  • On-Site Septic System Design

After the appropriate documents have been submitted, a county Environmental Health Specialist will make a visit to the building site to evaluate the soil. Other reviewers from your county may make a visit, too.

Our team of professionals will help you prepare for the county to check your design information for compliance with the state and local regulations as well as any technical requirements. If any changes need to be made, the environmental health specialist will let you and your designer know. We will then make the proper adjustments.

Once the septic system design has been approved, your appointed reviewer at the Permit Assistance Center will be notified and approval will be noted in your file. After all departments have approved your design, you’ll get a Conditional Site Approval letter followed by an On-Site Septic Installation Permit.

We know this all sounds very complicated. The good news is, All Septic & Sewer will be with you every step of the way.

Summary – Health department approval of septic system design is a requirement of Thurston and Pierce counties.

Gravity, Pressure, And Most Aerobic Septic System Installs

It is important to have the appropriate septic system installed. The type you need all depends on the location of the property, the terrain, and a few other factors that All Septic & Sewer will help you determine.

Our company deals in gravity, pressure, and most aerobic septic system installs. We understand that each circumstance is unique. We use our 20 years of experience and common sense to pick the right system for your property.

Let’s take a closer look at the 3 different types of septic systems we install:

  • Gravity – This type of system uses gravity to move liquid (effluent) through your septic tank where it will make its journey to the drain field. It is known as a basic or standard system.
  • Pressure – By way of pump, liquid (effluent) is moved through the system and into the drain field, simultaneously. Many prefer this type of system because it more efficiently utilizes the drain field.
  • Aerobic – Oxygen is used to break down solid waste. In turn, cleaner wastewater is produced. This type of system is typically used in areas where effluent needs to be more aggressively treated before entering the drain field.

Summary – The three main types of septic systems are gravity, pressure, and aerobic. All Septic & Sewer installs them all.

Decommissioning Old Septic Systems

There are times when a septic system is no longer in use and requires decommissioning. All Septic & Sewer has the skill and tools to make this procedure happen without a hitch. We will excavate the area and expose the top of the septic tank. Once exposed, we will begin the decommissioning process.

Our team of professionals will pump out any effluent or lingering sludge from the system. We will then fill the system in with gravel or sand. Lastly, we will replace the top soil and get the area back to surface grade. A permit of decommissioning will be submitted to the county.

Summary – All Septic & Sewer decommissions old septic systems in a few basic steps.

Contact All Septic & Sewer For Septic System Installs Today

Our company has been providing septic system installs in the Washington State counties of Pierce and Thurston for a very long time. We believe in prompt, reliable service that our customers can count on.

If you have a septic system problem, please call us, day or night. We’re the company that never sleeps!

Get in touch with us today for a FREE estimate.

Phone: (888) 541-6680

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Septic System Installs
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